The Pass It Down platform offers the ability to choose different map color schemes. That way, you to choose a map color scheme that matches best with the overall theme of your exhibit.
There are two methods to pick the map color. The first allows you to choose when you are initially creating your exhibit (A), the second at any point afterwards (B).
Step 1A: To choose your map colors when creating a new exhibit, begin by clicking on the "+ New App" button in your main exhibits page.
Step 2A: In the pop-up window that appears, scroll down to the "Map Style" menu. Click on that and select your preferred map color combination.
Step 3A: Click the "Save App" button at the bottom of the pop-up window.
Your new exhibit's maps now feature colors tailored towards your exhibit!
Step 1B: To add or change your map colors once you have already created an exhibit, begin by clicking on the "Edit" button in the upper left region of the page.
Step 2B: A pop-up window will appear. In that window, scroll down toe the "Select Map Style" menu. Click on it and select your preferred map colors.
Step 3B: Click the "Save App" button in the bottom right-hand corner of the pop-up window to save your new map colors.
Your exhibit's maps now feature new colors tailored towards your exhibit!