One special feature of the Pass It Down platform is that you have the ability to view the public-facing portion of your exhibit while still building it out.
With the click of a single button, you can see the public-facing portion of your exhibit, or the front end, as it is formed in the private portion of the platform, or the back end. This allows you to make ensure that every exhibit is turning out the way you want it two as you are building it.
Step 1: In your exhibit, click on the "View App" button in the upper left region of the page.
You will be transferred into a new tab. This new tab takes you to what we call the "Front-end," which shows your exhibit as it would look to your viewers with what content that has been added.
You can go back and forth between the front-end and back-end as much as you need throughout the creation process to ensure your exhibit is coming to fruition exactly as you want it to.